Saturday, December 05, 2009


Dear Fr. Bob and Parishioners of St. Mary�s & St. William�s:

It hardly seems possible that we are again drawing near to the end of a year! 2009 was a special year for Our Lady's Missionaries and we are grateful to all of you for helping us to celebrate our 60 years of living in mission. You, the people of Glengarry welcomed us at our very beginnings, and you have never stopped welcoming us ever since.

Just last week we bid a temporary farewell to our Sr. Pauline Doherty who died on November 20, 2009. Thank you, Fr. Bob for posting this news on your blog. We are grateful for all your expressions of sympathy and for your prayers for Pauline. I am sure that she is now returning the favour! You might be interested to know that Pauline entered Our Lady's Missionaries at about the same time as Penny MacIntosh and they journeyed together to Nigeria in 1957. I'm imagining them having a grand catch up right about now too.

Hopefully the next OLM journey will be Sr. Anie Montejo heading off to her new mission assignment in Brazil. Please say a prayer that her visa arrives quickly and without too many problems.

We continue to hold you in prayer and trust that you do the same for us.

Merry Christmas and blessings for 2010!
Peace, Sr. Christine Gebel OLM

Expand Your Heart. Be open to new ideas.
Live gently. Live simply.
Laugh often. Love deeply.
Be hospitable. Give generously.
Stand for a cause.
See God everywhere.
Dream into being a world without war!
Fr. Coman Brady