Saturday, October 23, 2010


Dear friends

Not every year do I send out greetings by mail. This year since it is my last year in the Philippines I thought I would go all out and send greeting by mail. Rather than Christmas greetings this will be Thanksgiving greetings.
On Dec 8th 2010 I will be leaving the Philippines my home for many years.
It is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday that some of you attended a party for my farewell at McKinnons in the 4th of Kenyon in 1966 and also at Nancy Graham (MacKenzie). As I write this I remember some who have gone ahead, Ian Mckinnon and Melly Gelineau, Amby & Ewen McDonald, Jerome Masterson. No details, just memories. Since then I also have new folks that I hear from each year either by e-mail or snail mail. To you all I say thank you. Thank you for you love, faithfulness and support over all these years, support that helped me in my ministry here in the Philippines.

At those parties I was always conscious of the focus on me. I really wish that each one of
you could see what great things you are doing in your own lives, each with its special purpose.
Some were called to be spouses to love and support each other in times both hard and good. I am sure this was not always easy. Then the children came along, another call for great sacrifices, blessings indeed but also many struggles. For others it was the call to be single. Jeanie Mac you were always a gift for me. Your enthusiasm for life and sense of humor is catching.

Then I remember the support so many of you gave to Our Lady’s Missionaries for our 50th in Glengarry. It was Mae Janet MacDonnell (Angus Sandy) who told me that when Glenda McDonnell retires she would do something for OLMs. Well she did. She made every connection possible to support our 50th. A former teacher said; " It is hard to say no to Glenda, if you want something done get Glenda.” She still keeps a small group alive by sending out our OLM Christmas letter each year. With Eleanor MacDonnell help it is sometimes mailed from Williamstown and sometimes from Glen Robertson.

Am I proud of my roots or not?

So many of you over the years have taken me in and included me in many happy gatherings at The Masterson’s /MacDonnell's in Lock Garry and Ottawa folks and especially OLM’S,my own family, the McDonald’s, Gallant’s and Kutschke’s. The door was always open and I know still is. .
I am truly grateful to the folks of my own parish St. Finnan’s Alexandria for the love and support over the years , to St Raphael’s parish who graciously adapted me after Maejanet death and of course Williamstown parish who have been so faithful over the years.

With much gratitude in my heart I wish each one Blessings of Peace.

Mary Gauthier OLM

My address in Canada will be

12 Roslind Crescent

Toronto Ont.

