Saturday, March 04, 2006

Katherine Hawkin Award

CCForum: Start Page
The Canadian Churches Forum for Global Ministries is honoured to announce the 2006 recipient of the Katherine Hockin Award, Our Lady's Missionaries.

This is the first time that the award has been offered to a community in mission. This Communities work is recently best known in Canada through their role in initiating the Out of The Cold program. However this program is only part of their work.

In Our Lady's Missionaries we see a sisterhood of Christians who sustain each other in a lifetime of breathtakingly generous response to the call of the Gospel. In ways that are practical, contemporary, profoundly respectful, courageous and full of compassion, they have hurried to the aid of people in need in Africa, Asia, South America and here at home. As their first priority they have cherished the invitation of Jesus to meet him already present in the poor, sick and hungry of the world. In faithfully living out that "option for the poor", they have consequently found new ways to obey the Lord's command to go, teach, and make disciples in every nation. More...

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